We can provide you with subject matter experts who have excellent reputations and proven track records in their respective fields.


Our lead Executive Consultant has more than 25 years involvement in the field of education/professional development.


He has 15+ years of broad exposure in Human Resources: policies formulation, training, organization development, employee/labor relations, employee engagement, internal communications, HR information systems, compensation and benefits, and HR business controls. 


He provides expertise and in-depth understanding of HR processes and business controlls in the following areas:          


  • Training and Employee Development: Excellent platform and presentation skills in conducting training programs

  • Organizational Development:  Design and implementation of programs for management/leadership development, teambuilding, strategic planning

  • Talent Sourcing: Extensive experience in employee screening and evaluation; extensive exposure in negotiating and packaging senior level positions in the banking industry

  • Employee Services & Assistance: Formulation of Human Resources policies based on market conditions, local laws and industry best practices

  • Comprehensive understanding of Philippine labor laws: extensive exposure in dealing with labor and workplace issues